Recovery Hero: Susan Petrucci!!!!!

Hello my name is Susan Petrucci and I have been in recovery for 14 months.
Today the thing I am most proud of is loving who I am and having faith in who I am becoming. I don’t always take the right path or make the right choices, but I am able to forgive myself, learn from my mistakes and move on! Never have I been more comfortable in my own skin.
A low moment during my substance abuse was sitting in a motel room not really caring if I lived or died. I could not stop the madness after I had relapsed after a long period of recovery and I had lost all hope!!
Today I volunteer to help others and I am involved in my community. I can be a trusted closed mouth friend (never could before) and be of service to all who are in need no matter what type of addiction they are struggling with. I live life one day at a time and I love being free and being me!