Recovery Hero Natasha Hill!!!
Hi, my name is Natasha Hill. I have been in recovery since November 27, 2019, a total of 16 months and 5 days. I have accomplished so much, including being a part of my kids life, becoming certified as a recovery coach, and being a part of opening a women and children’s sober living. By furthering my career, I am giving back to the community and helping others find their best lives in recovery. Before making the decision to be in recovery, I lost a daughter at 5 months old. I was incarcerated, facing prison time, losing my marriage, my grandmother, my house and our family business. My 4 children were taken buy DHS a week after my grandmother passed. The biggest part of my recovery is being able to share my journey. I volunteer anywhere I possibly can, even if its to a stranger by simply listening with empathy, showing that I care, and telling them they are strong and to take it one day at a time.