Recovery Hero: Michelle Paris Gatson

My name is Michelle and I have been in recovery for 7 years.
One of the things I am most proud of is that I have a growing willingness to be honest with myself
about what I am responsible for instead of allowing myself to blame others for what is going on in my
life. My motto is “If I can spot it, I’ve got it”. Meaning that if I can find something to complain about in
someone else, there is something within me that is similar, and I can usual find it pretty easily these
Prior to recovery (and sometimes still) I was too concerned with what others thought of me. I wanted
to be a good person, but I thought that meant I needed to be perfect and I always felt like I couldn’t
measure up. I had so much fear of rejection in my life that I couldn’t trust God, myself or anyone
Today, I continue to take an honest look at my life so that I don’t fall into the old family trap of seeing
myself as a victim of someone else’s choices or behaviors. I honestly share my experience, strength
and hope and I listen to others so that they know that they are not alone. I try to show up to the best
of my ability for the people in my life. My heart’s desire is to see people set free from the darkness
and loneliness of addiction and a lot of times it takes sharing the truth of our own struggles, so
others know that they are safe to share their stories as well.
Thanks Michelle!