Recovery Hero Melissa N

My name is Melissa Nugin and I am 33 years old. After over ten years in active addiction and countless attempts, I have been in recovery for a little over 6 strong months.
I am most proud of how much I have retrained my mind and begun taking care of my mental health first and foremost. I had not even realized how much I had stopped taking care of myself physically and mentally or how much I has alienated my friends and family. I am now in therapy, and work with a sober coach through SRC, and am planning for the future with my wonderful partner who has remained by my side through everything. I am closer with my family than ever.
The absolute lowest point of my addiction was ending up hospitalized this past May. I spent a month in the hospital before being released to hospice and lost the ability to walk and talk. Doctors were preparing my family for the very real possibility that I would not survive. I was terrified, lost, and beyond exhausted. With amazing help from hospice workers, doctors, nurses, and physical therapists as well as my incredible family, I learned to live again and graduated hospice in August.
I am now in the process of hopefully starting volunteer work in the recovery community, and plan to save up and take the course to become a Peer Recovery Coach. I am also writing a book about my experiences within the addiction cycle and in recovery to be better able to share my story with those who may often not see themselves getting sober. It is without question the best and most important decision I have ever made. I now see every day as a blessing I could have lost.