Recovery Hero: Leon Stewart

This journey of recovery has been 25 months and I believe that I finally have this addiction behind me. It’s a rewarding benefit to my character and person. I can actually say with a positive demeanor that I’ve finally beat this character defect. I’m proud of myself and the happiest I’ve been in a long time.. Today I have maintained a job for close to two years. Which has grown into a building manager position! I’m thankful and blessed everyday that I wake up. I have a better relationship with my two beautiful daughters and my awesome family who supports me! I have plans to be married to my best friend on August 8 this year! I’m just happy everyday no matter what challenges I may face. I deal with it in a positive way where it benefits others and most importantly me. Win Win Baby!
Prior to this recovery journey my life was unmanageable and full of chaos being a full time drunk and using other mind altering substances. Life was a great party, so I thought. It was the bad choices that had consequences to go along with them, which kept me in and out of jails and prison.
I lost the respect of family and children. One day during my last 10 day binge I felt alone, lost, confused and had no self respect. Only thing I saw was death and prison if I continued down that path. I called my sister and said I need help. She was that one person who believed in her big brother! Bless her soul!
Today my life is great! I have the opportunity to inspire, encourage others that have life’s challenges. People who suffer from substance use disorders and everyday people that go through life’s challenging situations. I also work with the youths from time to time. I’m a member of the Black Advisory Council through the El Pomar Foundation. I’m a Recovery Support Specialist at Memorial Hospital and a Peer Recovery Coach at Springs Recovery Connection. Without Springs Recovery Connection, the team of volunteers, coaches, trainers, board members and most importantly the founder of this organization Cathy Plush, my life would be different.
Thank You!