Recovery Hero: Laurel Justice

My name is Laurel Justice, I have been in recovery for 19 years.
Before I came to recovery, I was pretty much mothering out of the “family disease”, without any consciousness about that. I am grateful for a series of painful, unwelcome, and transformational experiences that woke me up to the possibility of an entirely different way of being in the world.
I am proud of myself for saying yes to the 12-steps, to the loving guidance of sponsors and therapists, and to an expanded idea of how a Higher Power could guide me to health and wholeness. I am especially proud of how my relationship with each of my 4 children changed for the better, and that they, in their adulthood, are in loving, honest relationship with me and each other.
My lowest point involved a lot of codependency, depression, anxiety, uncertainty about wanting to live, and a profound loss of a sense of who I am.
Today I recover by being of service and giving back: After a few years in recovery, I realized that I wanted to become a therapist and help lead others to the healing that I had so deeply needed. I went back to school and earned a masters in counseling, started a private practice, and have conducted countless retreats and workshops for recovering folks. I also conduct creative and artistic experiences for young adults in treatment locally. In my non-professional work, I attend 12-step meetings, continue to work the steps with a sponsor, and sponsor others from time to time.
Honestly, I believe my greatest act of service is to continue on my healing path, becoming more fully who I was designed to be, and inviting others to do the same.