Recovery Hero Jennifer

My name is Jennifer and I have been in recovery since 1995. Ironically, I worked as a Mental Health Technician in 1993, just two years before my diagnosis. I am continuing my recovery journey and now I am the CEO/ President of a peer-driven agency in Lafayette, Louisiana. This was the first peer-driven agency in Louisiana, and it has been in existence since 2005.
In 2020, during the pandemic, I took over and brought the agency back to standard. We are now a global organization; we were formerly Meaningful Minds of Louisiana, but now we are Meaningful Minds United, Inc.
This achievement is one that I am most proud of because the former CEO/President foretold me that I would be in this position today. Before these accomplishments, I was an only child, and my lowest point was the loss of both of my parents in 2010 and 2012.
Today, I work to encourage those who are living with mental health or substance use challenges “one day at a time.” We have just recently received funding that allows us to provide direct peer support in our community with awareness and educational programs for individuals with mental health or substance use challenges, their families, and the community at large.
After providing emotional CPR to Lafayette Park, Arts, Recreation, and Culture staff, we formed an alliance with the department. Due to that alliance, we are now housed in a neighborhood recreation center, which allows equal access for any interested individuals, including their staff. We are available to the public in the center from 4-8 PM Mon-Friday.