Recovery Hero: Jayme Singleton

Another monday, another stellar recovery hero! This is Jayme Singleton’s story.
My name is Jayme S. I began my journey into recovery six years ago. In that time I have met
some challenges and setbacks however have maintained a strong drive and progression with
my recovery process.
My accomplishments since practicing the recovery lifestyle that are most notable is becoming a
person who cares and respects the needs of others instead of selfish personal gain. When
active in my addiction I tend to disregard other’s feelings and do not care if I step on toes along
the way. I now pursue a more compassionate and respectful way of thinking and acting. When
needed even put other’s needs ahead of my own. My personal relationships and overall ethics
professionally have improved greatly
My lowest point in my active addiction is a very clear memory: This occurred about ten years
ago. I was all alone in a hotel room drinking. I had just lost my good job, my place to live and
recently served divorce papers from my wife whom I loved dearly. I was all alone with nobody
to call or care. I had at my disposal a gallon of hard alcohol and a full bottle of prescription
medications which are very dangerous if taken with alcohol. I didn’t necessarily want to die but
most importantly, I didn’t necessarily want to live either.
Today I give back to my community by serving as a resource broker and motivator for beginning
a recovery lifestyle. I pay special attention to those who might be lost or just need support. I
currently work at Springs Recovery Connection and work with people every day who are
seeking support. I volunteer personal time to this cause as well. I love helping in any way I can
in this fight against addicion