Recovery Hero Crystal “Koda”

My name is Crystal, AKA Koda, and I’ve been in recovery for 21 months. My accomplishments while in recovery have been: graduating from VTC (Veterans Trauma Court). completing my 12-step program and probation by completing community service, EMDR, neuro, and all required classes. I have completed the Peer Recovery Coach Academy and the required courses to become a coach. I also had my story used in a national outreach conference for homeless and drug-addicted women veterans in Nashville, TN.
I am currently a manager at Next Chapter Sober Living and recently started working at Springs Recovery Connection as a Peer Recovery Coach with the Justice Department. Before recovery, my lowest point was when I was living in my car with my two puppies and committing crimes to support my habit. Today I am of service and give back to the community by doing outreach and assisting other vets through the process at VTC. As a coach for SRC, I get to visit inmates at CJC, coaching them through recovery and guiding them from start to finish in specialty courts. I help guide them on the right path in life by giving them the resources they need to help them maintain their sobriety. I also sponsor the 12-step program of A.A. and N.A., assisting women to change their lives for the better.