Recovery Hero – Bobby Struckus

My name is Bobby Struckus. I have been in recovery for 20 years with 16 months of active sobriety. In my recovery journey, I am most proud of being able to realize that 99% of my choices have dictated my life.
I have been able to remove the mental hurdles such as my anger, fear, and self-worth issues. Nothing I have been through can define who I am today and before coming into recovery. I am serious about it this time. Before, I was fine with repeatedly ending up in jail, prison, and various institutions. That was insanity!
Being able to pull myself out of that mental hole, I started to seek a life where I did things differently. I have volunteered my time to others in recovery and realized that, because of my troubled past and hard experiences, I could share my story of strength and truly use my pain to do some good.
Recovery is possible for all, no matter the circumstances. All you need to believe is that you are worthy. Today, I know that I am! I will push myself daily to become the best version of myself for myself, my children, and my loved ones; but especially for me first and always.