Family Heros William & Amy P

We are Bill and Amy P. I would say we have truly been an ally in recovery since March of 2023. Before that, I would say we were trying to do our best to help our son, but we didn’t know what we didn’t know. Fortunately, we found some true ‘angels’ in March 2023 who began guiding us on how best to support our son in recovery and since then we have learned so much!
First, and most important, the most positive change is the progress in recovery our son has made. He recently passed 100 days sober and for that we are extremely thankful! We have also been able to communicate more openly, honestly and directly. I would also add that we are much more in touch.
Certainly, a low point for us would have been the first three months of this year. We could see that our son’s slide into addiction was becoming faster and further, and we felt powerless and helpless.
We have just completed a CRAFT class (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) and participate in a weekly family support group run by the wonderful treatment facility our son attended. Sharing our story and hearing others has been very healing for us and we hope that through our continued participation we can help others.