Better Safe

Better Safe is a dedicated space for anyone wanting to explore their relationship to substances with the support of individuals with lived substance use experience.

Signs of an Overdose

  • Limp Body
  • Vomiting
  • Person is Unconscious or Unresponsive
  • Slow or Stopped Breathing
  • Weak or No Pulse
  • Bluish Purple Lips on lighter skin tones
  • Grayish or Ash Tones on darker skin tones

This group helps create practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. SRC is committed to supporting a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use substances.

Contact Group Facilitator, Saskia Beljaars at
*This group is peer-organized and peer-led. 

A safe space for anyone looking for support with overdose prevention. This dedicated group is run by a peer with lived experience.

January 2025
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