Recovery Hero: Jessica Townley

My name is Jessica Townley, and I have been in recovery since October 31st, 2009. Recovery has brought so many blessings to my life. I am most proud of my ability to be more present; however, this is not something I was able to accomplish alone. Growing in understanding and effectiveness of the Spirit does not happen in and of myself, but only with community. My low point prior to recovery was not being able to show up for myself, my daughter, and my family.
I’m not able to show up perfectly these days, but being sober enables my recognition of where I am and where I’d like to be. With help, I can assess what I would’ve liked to have done and, therefore, do and be more. I get to be available as much as I am willing to be today. Specifically, I am able to be the mother I’ve always wanted to be. I’m getting to be a collective, supportive voice in recovery. I’m also a volunteer at the Springs Recovery Connection and aspire towards becoming a professional recovery coach. Recovery offers me infinite possibilities and more of what I truly need, exactly when I need it. I’m grateful to be here!