Shauna Stevenson

My name is Shauna Stevenson and I came into recovery on February 17th, 2017. Since then, I am most proud of regaining motherhood, becoming a certified recovery coach and working with SRC by virtue of the Workforce Program.
A low point for me was when I was on the run from the Drug Court Program. I was strung out on meth and heroin with nothing and nowhere safe to go. I was also in a very unsafe place and I didn’t want to live like that anymore, I was so exhausted.
I turned myself into CJC on Feb. 17th, 2017 and submitted to the direction of the courts, my PO, and the counselors with everything I had.
Today I get to work in the field of recovery with so many amazing people. I get to serve our community and those in desperate need. I get to hold another hurting person’s hand and walk with them to the other side of the tracks. To me there is nothing more inspiring or redeeming in this life than showing up for another person who is stuck and struggling to climb out of the same dark trenches you were once so lost in yourself.