Recovery Hero: Sparkle Lindsay

Our Recovery Hero of the week is the wonderful Sparke Lindsay! She is such a positive role model for so many people.
Hi my name is Sparkle Lindsay and i have been sober for one year. I have managed to accomplish the gift of patience, understanding, compassion, grace and loving myself. I am learning the art of being. Learning this has been a wonderful thing, because it has shown me clarity through deep listening and mindfulness. I am learning how to feel emotions again and acknowledge them, validate them, and have compassion for them. Although emotions are only temporary, they still have huge importance in my growth and everyday life, I am grateful everyday they are not permanent.
The low point for me in my recovery was when I found out I had lupus, was placed on a form of chemo, lost an associate to suicide, left my job, battled many probation cases due to my addiction, and quite frankly, everything had started to crash and burn. I was right smack dab in the middle of it. I knew a change was needed, and the steps to leaving my job made it possible. I have found a wonderful place called Springs Recovery Connection. I have had the opportunity to give service and find my purpose by becoming a peer recovery support specialist. I love what I do now, and being able to be an advocate for helping people fight to take their lives back has been awesome.
I intend to continue this opportunity and turn it up a notch if I can. Through clarity, blessings, support, and constant reflection, I see great things in the making because I feel they are already here. I will continue to strive to be sober and keep riding in the lap of my higher power as he takes me where I need to be.