Sara Baldwin

My name is Sara Baldwin and I have been in recovery from meth for 16 years and from alcohol for 2 years.
In my recovery, I’ve started becoming the person God created me to be. My skills as a mother have improved drastically and I take much pride in being a source of stability and love for my children. In recovery life has continued to throw some nightmare situations my way yet I choose to find joy even in these moments. I have freed myself from a prison of my own making to find a world full of light and hope.
Before I was in recovery, I felt that I would never get out of the darkness I was trapped in. I knew I wanted to stop using, but every time I tried, either my mind or my body got the better of me. After countless detoxes and trips to the hospital, I wanted to die. I lost my brother to alcohol in 2019 and didn’t know how to live with the pain. I drowned myself in alcohol to the point where my body was seizing up without it. I was of no use to my family and certainly not to myself.
Serenity Recovery Connection has provided the perfect place for me to start my journey of helping others. As a volunteer, I take pride in being of service and look forward to becoming a Peer Recovery Coach. Today I’m a positive person in the community and spread the message of recovery and hope with others.